sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

You're not incredible!!!

"The opportunity for Manchester City's supporters was too good to pass up. Their team were on their way to a 4-0 win against Porto and the opposition had a striker going by the name of Hulk who was showing signs of frustration. "You're not incredible," the home fans sang.
Hulk, real name Givanildo Vieira de Souza, certainly did not look like he had superhuman powers as Sergio Agüero inspired City to a 4-0 victory to send them into the next round of the Europa League with an aggregate 6-1 victory.
Porto, however, have not seen the funny side. The Portuguese club are now preparing an official complaint in which they will ask Uefa to open disciplinary charges against the Premier League leaders – and they are denying it has anything to do with an apparent humour bypass." link

Que gozação com o orto!!! Esta viagem a Manchester aumenta a falta de prestigio do clube da corrupção. Depois dos insultos racistas nas Antas, agora a ameaça de uma queixa à uefa só por os adeptos do City gritarem uma verdade: "Hulk não és incrivel! Hulk és uma fraude!".
100 milhões !!! LOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL

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